Save All and Close All
Add a 'Save All' and 'Close All' to the File menu. Photoshop and other Adobe software have had this since the '90s, so why doesn't InDesign? It's inefficient to click on dozens of documents one at a time in order to save them and/or save and close them. Please emulate Photoshop as the ideal example.

Evan commented
Yes, apparently this "hidden" feature already exists since there's a keyboard shortcut for it (thanks Olaf!—I was not aware of that) so it should be super quick for Adobe to just add this to File menu where it belongs!
I'm thinking it'll only take them about 3 years to move it into "Under Review," another 8 years to implement (incorrectly, somehow), and then 3 more years to respond to complaints and correct it. So hopefully we'll see this launch in ID 2037...fingers crossed!
Pekka Siponen commented
This would be nice to have as a menu item!
Jason commented
I use this A LOT in Dreamweaver and I've always wanted it in InDesign and Illustrator as well.
Barb Binder commented
Love the shortcut reminders and the script, but this seems like a fairly easy addition to the File menu, and would be "discoverable" for new users, which is always a plus.
NEU! commented
Heres a line of code for an extendesscript: Closing all docs without saving
thats all :)
Olaf commented
shift-ctrl-alt-S = save all open files
shitt-ctrl-alt-W = close all open files
(Whatever the Mac equivalents are probably work the same way.)
I've been doing this in InDesign for as long as I can remember.