Outline stroke
I think it'd be handy if you could draw a line and convert it to a shape, like in Illustrator.

Michaela Egger commented
How is this not a feature already??
Phil G commented
Would be really useful to have that same functionality as Illustrator for converting strokes to shapes
Linda R. Smith commented
Unbelievable! Outlining a stroke in InDesign cannot be done.? Boggles the mind.
Magnus commented
I feature I think should have been there years ago. Especially useful for dashed stroked lines.
Philippe Barey commented
Being able to convert paths to outlines would be very convenient, particularly for thick rules. Rules are positioned by their centers, which makes them more difficult to position with precision than rectangles.
Anssi K commented
I would love this for simple path convert to shape.
Evan commented
I use this all the time in Illustrator and yearn for it in InDesign!
Jim Gibson commented
This feature is called "expand" in Illustrator. I hope adding that in this comment will help others find this feature request and vote for it.
Brent Dixon commented
Yes please! This would be so helpful!
Anonymous commented
i agree!