Dynamic baseline related unit of measurement
Please consider the addition of a dynamic unit of measurement that relates to the document’s baseline. Such a unit will make it possible to express various parameters throughout the design as a multiplication or division of the document’s baseline.
We would for example be able to express a header’s leading as twice the number of baselines, or a paragraph’s space after in any number of baselines.
The unit’s relation to the document‘s baseline means that it’s dynamic: whenever you change the baseline, all values expressed in this unit will change accordingly. There will be no more need to adjust these parameters manually.
Hi All,
This indeed a great suggestion. I wanted to understand a little more about this request.
1. The way this request is described its majorly about figuring out how to change the various text attributes in a single step rather than having to change multiple styles to make that happen. It would helpful if you can mention which all attributes you all would want to be dependent on the baseline (space before/after, size, leading any other).
2. Which kind of documents (magazines, brochures, books etc.) do you see this to be more important for you.
3. Wouldn’t a similar method (not sure if we could base it on baseline though!!) for changing the layout also help, if you could define the sizes of objects in relation to the page size. Do you think extending this feature to the layout also makes sense.
4. If you can share some files as well which depict the before and after states described in this feature that would help.
Sharon Beeston commented
I think this is a long overdue addition to InDesign. I am driven to despair by manual adjustment of pages in my long documents.
Barbara Olsher, BFA commented
I create newsletters all day long as well as an occasional book or program or flyer for print. Having a baseline relate to the text as well as to the page would be superb!
Charlotte Sinclaire commented
A "baseline unit" measurement would, I think, really lend itself to book design, which is my main task with InDesign. I have set up several book templates for various size and style books, but the projects the publisher sends me are varied, which means widely ranging margins and leading. I don't hold my breath that the publisher's author-client is never going to ask for "something else" once they see the sample layout. A function like this could save me from having to refigure all my measurements when an author wants a "more open look," or something of that sort. Great idea. :)
Theo van Beurden commented
See this Adobe InDesign forum post for an illustration: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2302709