Make page dimensions from Page Tool and Page Setup match
I'll often have to change the size of page using the Page Tool. The problem is that if anyone opens the Document Setup dialogue box, it only shows what the original dimensions of the page are – not the actual dimensions.
When there are multiple pages in a document with various sizes, the Document Setup dialogue window should notify that that's the case.

Ray Cashbaugh commented
Leaving this here in case it helps someone: You can add a preflight check to throw a warning to catch this. Under the Document section in your preflight profile, check the "All Pages Must Use Same Size and Orientation" box. From there, you'll at least get some indication you should TRIPLE CHECK the document size and not trust any of the measurements INDD is giving you.
Kārlis Jakadels commented
Yesterday sent very urgent file to printing.. file was not mine, i checked everything, links, fonts, colors, overprints... checked page size 3 times so that everything is ok.. and there is only one page... and it turned out that guy before me used that "Page tool" to change page size...
PLEASE ADOBE make those number linked on some warning or something so that you know you need to check every page for other sizes...
Look at creenshot -
Kārlis Jakadels commented
Please make some simple WARNING sign in Page setup in case someone used Page tool to change page sizes
Morten commented
This is important! Just got a document from another person, with one page, where I checked the Document Setup and generated the PDF - which was another size.
Would be tedious/impossible to have to check every document and every page with Page Tool. -
Anonymous commented
A simple warning triangle would do the trick, similar to when a link is modified but not updated, a visual indication that the size you see in Document set up may not be the actual size of the pages...