Multiple index
Support for multiple indices (Index of Subject, Index of Authors, Index of Passages, Index of pictures, index of tables).
That would greatly improve performance of work and cut a lot of time and get out books faster than before with higher accuracy!

Shane commented
Would love to see this option. It is well overdue.
Anonymous commented
Yes, we can. With a script:
RENOUX Lionel commented
It's amazing... I thought that indesign was a professional's software...
Have you seen a scientific's book with only one index ????
I must change software... perhaps I will be able to do it with quarkexpress. -
James commented
I could really use this feature also! I work for a law firm where they'd like a index by partner name, and an index by practice/area of expertise. They'd also like both to create hyperlinked cross references for the digital file. Currently I've duplicated my job to create a 2nd index, and then merged them together, but the 2nd index loses it's cross reference capability, in the digital PDF.
Michelle Currier commented
YES PLEASE! I'm not sure why this isn't an option yet.
Simon commented
Hakan BALCI commented
This is a very important option. Thanks.