Font stack for missing glyphs
Not every base text font has all the glyphs I sometimes need -- some need only a few math or Greek symbols, others need Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, or even Devanagari. Currently I manually hunt and pick them from the closest alternative, selecting glyphs from a font CLOSE ENOUGH right down to the ever-reliable fallbacks of Times New Roman and Arial Unicode MS. It would help if I could define a custom font stack per "base font": a list of alternatives in a Preferred Order, which would each in turn be scanned for missing glyphs. Kind of (well, exactly like) browsers do with web pages. It would ideally be a separate list per base font; a sans font does not need the serif Greek from Symbol if there is a better choice (Myriad Pro, for example).
Andrei Ambrazevich commented
Probably this would help a bit - Thought this plugin doesn't mean to edit formulas at least you don't need to convert them to .eps or .pdf to get high quality print.