Text variables to include auto numbers
When creating a text variable, it would be great to have it capture the auto numbering, e.g. if the heading is "1. Introduction" and the number is set as an auto number to the paragraph style, then the text variable that references that paragraph style should also pick up the number. At the moment, all you get from the text variable is "Introduction". Or at least have that as an option!

bizarre_n commented
I am also in trouble.
I don't always know what to do when using headings as text variables for running heads !私も困っています。
見出しをテキスト変数で柱に使うときに、いつもどうすればいいのか分かりません! -
Ryan Yokley commented
Mid 2024 and still no way to have an auto-incrementing number in InDesign. :(
Kit commented
This feature would be invaluable for many of the long reference books that I work with. Please set up text variables so that they can capture paragraph numbering!
Tom L commented
Why not even one single response to this great idea, Adobe Indesign developers or marketeers???
Aaron A commented
Sigh. End of 2023. RIP Adobe.
Adrienn Fehér commented
It's the end of 2022, and still, neither text variables nor content collector can pull the numbers with the text...
Janus Bahs Jacquet commented
The fact that paragraph numbers cannot be included in text variables in an application supposedly made for book design (where running headers with paragraph numbers are very common) quite frankly beggars belief.
Gerald Donker commented
I certainly agree that the ability to include auto numbering in text headers is required. Surely ID should be able to do this when lesser able word processors can.
Hope ID gets this capability soon.
Heike Herzog-Kuhnke commented
paul hoskens commented
I totally agree as well… It seems even obvious to me that de chapter number will be included… at least as an option…
Otherwise we will have to re-enter the chapter numbers manually.thanks!
Kate commented
I echo this. Currently working on a huge book file with many sections/subsections, so manually updating numbering is not an option, and the chapter/section/subsection numbers must be listed in the header as a requirement. I found a clunky workaround using hidden cross-references, but the whole thing is a tangled mess and when numbering goes off for some reason or a paragraph style is accidentally altered (many people are working on this file), it screws up the entire book file. It would be so much simpler if there was an option to include automated page numbering in the text variable options.
Miguel Duarte commented
Yes, I strongly agree on that...!