Fit text to frame
This is a very important feature for anyone doing desktop publishing and has to fit different variations of text into a predefined text frame size.

Scott commented
Dear Adobe InDesign Team,
I would like to request the addition of a “Fit Text to Frame” feature in Adobe InDesign. This is a critical functionality for desktop publishing professionals who frequently need to ensure that varying text lengths fit within predefined text frame sizes. As someone who regularly performs data merges, I often have to manually adjust multiple fields with overset text, which significantly slows down my workflow. A feature that automatically reduces the text size to fit the frame would greatly improve efficiency.
It’s clear that this can be done—Id-Extras has offered this as a $69 add-on for some time now. The existence of such third-party solutions underscores both the demand and the feasibility of implementing this feature natively within InDesign.
I have noticed that this feature request has been suggested by many users for years, yet it remains unaddressed. Your own feature request page emphasizes that Adobe values customer input, stating: “We do, however, read each and every message... Your comments, suggestions, and ideas for improvements are very important to us.” I urge you to prioritize this feature, as it directly impacts productivity and aligns with the needs of many users in the design and publishing community.
While new features like MathML support have their place, addressing long-standing requests like this would make a far greater impact on the daily workflow of users like myself.
Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to seeing continued improvements in InDesign.
Jake commented
Very surprised this option isn't available as an Auto-size option.
Sometimes height and width are fixed and instead the text should reduce to fit. Even basic tools like PowerPoint do this.
Andre commented
Amen, especially in table cells - manually resizing text to fit in a cell in a large table can be a nightmare
Joe commented
This is especially essential in data merge situations. Plugins and Greps scripts can be poor workaround,. when a "Fit text to frame" button and a few limiting factors could be added. Hopefully Adobe is listening to this.
Curtis Hight commented
There are now three threads with this request:
“Fit text to frame”, posted August 17, 2017
“Fit text to frame”, posted September 17, 2020
“Content to Frame with Live Typography”, posted July 5, 2021I add my vote! For my current use case, which is a single line of text, I wish for: A) Tracking to decrease to a certain point, and if this is insufficient, then B) Decrease the font size to a certain point, and if this is insufficient, then C) Flag the box for my attention.
Dylan commented
Even when doing hobby projects like bullet journal templates, not being able to do this natively (aka without scripts or 3rd party) is frustrating
Anonymous commented
An object style or paragraph style option to do this would help greatly. 3rd party plugins exist that automatically shrink text to fit within a frame, but it would be nice to have it built into the styles.
Luke commented
I can't believe this isn't a thing, and more people aren't requesting it! Especially useful for newspaper style layouts where you're fitting the headline to the available space.