Print page
Please consider changing the default setting on the Print Page setting from "Print All" to "Range". No one wants to Print All the pages every time you go to print pages. I cannot tell you how many times i hit print, thinking i am printing one page in the document and then realize i did not toggle "Range" and wind up running to the printer to cancel a file that is going to waste 25 sheets of paper. Please, please please change this default setting. Since i found this feature request site, I will now continue to send this request until its fixed. thank you for your consideration.

Doug Searle commented
I do not agree. I almost always want to print the whole document. Maybe the solution is that the document remembers what you did the last time you printed. It already does this with the number of copies, so why not the page range as well?
NEU! commented
Nah, i wouldnt agree with that. Office people are used to print all there is in a document.