Increase Search toolbar for link
Please improve the SEARCH BOX for the link window.
When I need to relink a missing object, the window that open have a very small search box. It should be more big, maybe twice the actual size. Thanks

Kris Van de Vijver commented
A similar question: when I want to 'save as' a file with a different name (f.i. add something at the end), very often the name is longer than the 'save as: ' box
Is this something for Adobe or for Apple Finder? Please fix it. -
Kris Van de Vijver commented
I have the same question, plus this one: could you make it easier to relink broken links? Now, I have to find the full name in the link palette, and type it in the search box. Why not click on the (missing) link, and a popup opens where I can click 'search' ?
Als also (but this is probably an Apple Finder issue), the retrieved link is not highlighted in the finder (as it was earlier). I often have to relink a lot of broken links, this gives me a headache. -
Owen Linzmayer commented
Luca, you are absolutely correct. This is something that is incredibly frustrating as I encounter it every single day, multiple times an hour, and there is absolutely no excuse for it as they just need to make the size of the search field expand and contract as a percentage of the dialog box width.
While you're at it, Adobe, please utilize the full width of the dialog to display the entire name of the missing file to locate. Currently it appears you've allocated a fixed number of characters, and when that's exceeded, you elide the missing characters with ellipsis, even when there is more than enough room to display the full name.