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Adobe InDesign: SDK/Scripting Bugs and Features

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  1. Moving Anchoring Text to Anchored Object Crashes InDesign

    Given a Text instance (source) that contains an anchored object (U+FFFC marker), the command source.move(…) crashes InDesign if the destination (TextFrame, Text, InsertionPoint…) is itself an anchored object (or inside it).

    // Tested in ID CS6 and CC
    // (see animation)
    const BEG = LocationOptions.AT_BEGINNING;
    var TFS = app.activeDocument.textFrames;

    source = TFS.itemByName('source').texts[0]; // Text: contains the anchor

    host = TFS.itemByName('host'); // TextFrame: 'host' frame
    dest = host.textFrames.itemByName('dest'); // TextFrame: 'dest' frame

    source.move(BEG,dest); // --> ID crash
    //source.move(BEG,host); // WOULD BE OK
    //source.duplicate(BEG,dest); // WOULD BE OK

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  2. QR Code Contents Reader


    It would be really helpful if we were able to access the contents and colour of a QR code using a script so that they can be batch updated using a script.

    For example, I have hundreds of documents containing 100 Web Hyperlink QR codes and I want to update all the ones that contain "utmcampaign=summersale" to now be "utmcampaign=summersale" and turn all the QR codes that are black to now be red.

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  3. Two calls to waitForProcess() required to preflight some files

    When preflighting some files IDS outputs a "No errors yet; still looking" message to the console and no preflight results are returned.

    But when we make 2 calls to waitForProcess() we can retrieve the preflight results.

    Sample jsx file attached (as a .txt file). I can supply .idml files that require the two waitForProcess() calls.

    We found the fix on a German forum post from 2014:;_still_looking__P529496.html

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  4. findColor() returns a number, it should return objects to which the colour was applied

    Using the Colour tab in the Find/Change dialog you can search text and/or objects to which a certain colour was applied in the document. That works fine.

    However, in a script, this call: =
    app.documents[0].swatches.item ('red');

    returns the number of objects to which the swatch 'red' was applied. It should return the objects to whci the swatch was applied.

    This makes the function entirely useless. Please fix this.

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  5. Generate Adobe Color files from hexadecimal

    Generate Adobe Color files from hexadecimal

    There is a way to generate an *.ASE file for importing color samples into Adobe software (PS, AI, ID...) starting from a list I have in a TXT, CSV, EXCEL or other file.

    example of the list:










    therefore I would like these color codes to be saved in an *.ASE file that can be imported into INDESIGN which generates the 9 colors (9 as 10,000 colors)

    Step 2 (optional) - if these colors can somehow be "also" converted from HEX to CMYK

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  6. Redirect support to the InDesign from web browser

    Adding the ability to handle redirects to the InDesign CEP/UXP extensions would make the authorization process for extensions in third-party services easier.

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  7. Allow Mail Merge Preview Scripting

    It would be super handy if we could make a few options available to improve the mail merge process and automation via scripting. These include:
    1. Allow the mail merge preview to be switched off and on via script
    2. Allow the data file to be refreshed via script

    I'm trying to build a script that basically turns off preview, refreshes, turns preview back on. In an ideal world this would just be a refresh button at the bottom of the data merge panel that does all this behind the scenes - that also has the ability to be called…

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  8. Buttons are not working when a top layer is blocking it's under layer.

    Hi, buttons don't work if the layer is placed under a layer. It is like the image remains on top with 0% opacity and everything under it, is unclickable.

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  9. getSystemPath using CSInterface throws URI Malformed error

    I was trying to get the my documents folder path of the system using CSInterface getSystemPath function. It works in most of the cases. But it throws URI malformed error (refer the screenshot below), if the path of the documents folder contain characters from languages other than English.

    I debugged the CSInterface.js file at line 521. And I found that the below piece of code returns the path of the folder without encoding the characters from languages other than English.



    Path of documents folder: "C:\Users\sanjay\OneDrive - Élégante\Documents".

    // Returned value -…

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  10. The CreateTOC function regularly crashes InDesign 18.0.

    It has worked fine in previous versions of ID (at least up to v17.0).
    I've yet to work out the fine details, but some documents I create are fine. Most aren't. Creating the TOC manually seems to work.

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    3 comments  ·  VB Script  ·  Admin →
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  11. Add `parentPage` and `parentTextFrame` of Table Cell and Row

    Please add parentPage and parentTextFrame to cell and row. Up to now it is not possible to determine, on which page or in which text frame a specific table cell/row is located.

    There is a hack with adding an anchored text frame, releasing it an reading its properties. But this is very hacky an time consuming ...
    Or I have to use insertion points inside the cells/rows to get to the parentPage.
    But this is all very clumsy.
    ( See here: )


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  12. API REST calls in Scripting for InDesign

    Use scripting to contact a database through API and get a list for the data merge. If this is available already, I'm at a loss on how to implement it and would love assistance.

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  13. hyphenationExceptions in Dictionary


    app.documents[0].hyphenationExceptions.itemByName("English: UK").name.

    It returns,

    English: USA.

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  14. InDesignServer - All Layers are allways unlocked

    InDesign Server 2021 and 2022 do unlock all Layers every time a document is opened.
    There is no way to know the initial state of the layers. They are always unlocked for the Scripting.
    Furthermore, this change is also saved to the document, removing the locks the user did.
    I tested this with following script:

    var file = new File("C:/Test/Test.indd");
    var doc =;
    for (var i = 0; i < doc.layers.length; i++) {
    var layer = doc.layers[i];
    app.consoleout("Layer " + + " Locked: " + layer.locked + " Visible: " + layer.visible);

    I've already posted this…

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  15. Expose footnote and endnote numbers to the DOM

    Currently, footnote and endnote numbers are not exposed in de DOM, and can't be used in a script. Please expose them, so we could do stuff like this ...

                var endnoteText = myNote.texts[0].contents;
                var endnoteNumber = myNote.number;
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  16. Add possibilty to hook into Context Menu and reciece the selected Context Menu Item

    I'm looking for a way to add custom scripts to the context menus (right click with the mouse) of the paragraph style and the character style palette.

    So the user finds the style he's looking for, right clicks on it, chooses my script, the script gets the reference to the selected style item, and runs with it.

    I asked this in the forum (in 2015), and it’s still not possible but hardly missed:

    Thanks, Tobias

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  17. Upgrade XSLT enginge

    Please consider upgrading the underlying XSLT 1.0 engine to at least XSLT 2.0 (if not XSLT 3.0)! It’s a pain to be forced to transform before going into InDesign or to write clumsy (for nowadays) XSLT 1.0 code.

    Thanks, Tobias

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  18. Add all new JavaScript functions of ECMAscript 6

    Please consider an upgrade of the underlaying JS engine to a newer standard. There are many, many functionality we are missing, e.g. array.indexOf(), array.foreach(), default parameter handling in functions ... the list feels endless.
    Thanks, Tobias

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  19. InDesign 16.3.2 not authorised to send Apple events to other apps

    I’m using the InDesign do script AppleScript command to instruct another application to do something.
    Since 16.3 this doesn’t work anymore, because macOS prevents the script from running. Previous versions of InDesign worked fine, after the user allowed InDesign to control the target app.

    I’m the developer of a font manager and want InDesign to report which fonts are used in a document

    macOS version: 11.3.1
    InDesign version: 16.3.2

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Reset the macOS Apple Event permissions for InDesign in Terminal:
      tccutil reset AppleEvents com.adobe.InDesign

    2. Run the following AppleScript:
      tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign"
      do script "tell application \"Finder\"

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  20. Tool for sustainable Design

    Hello dear Adobe team,

    At the moment there is a lot of talk about environmental problems and sustainability. Responsible use is particularly important when it comes to the use of finite and regenerative resources.

    The AGD has developed a charter for sustainability for this purpose. "Designers are largely responsible for
    how our world is shaped. Design shapes, design is a role model and creates
    new awareness. Design consumes resources - sometimes more,
    sometimes less. The sustainable use of natural resources,
    with the environment and with the people who have remained in this world for generations
    should be able to live,…

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    0 comments  ·  Apple Script  ·  Admin →
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