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Adobe InDesign: SDK/Scripting Bugs and Features

2 results found

  1. PreflightScope not working

    PreflightOptions.preflightScope in InDesign has not worked since at least CS 5.5. No matter what value is used, preflight checks the whole document. Here is a sample script (error for color image <250 ppi) that the issue can be tested:

    var currDoc = app.documents[0];
    if (app.preflightProfiles.itemByName("export").isValid){
    var pfProfile = app.preflightProfiles.add({name: "export"});
    var pfResRule = pfProfile.preflightProfileRules.add("ADBE_ImageResolution", {flag: PreflightRuleFlag.returnAsError});
    pfResRule.ruleDataObjects.add("color_min_res", RuleDataType.realDataType, 250);
    currDoc.preflightOptions.preflightScope = '1-2';
    var pfProcess = app.preflightProcesses.add(currDoc, pfProfile);
    pfResults = pfProcess.aggregatedResults[2];

    ––> with a 3-page document with problems on pages 2 and 3, InDesign reports both problems despite the scope been set to ‘1-2’ (same with ‘1’…

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  2. getSystemPath using CSInterface throws URI Malformed error

    I was trying to get the my documents folder path of the system using CSInterface getSystemPath function. It works in most of the cases. But it throws URI malformed error (refer the screenshot below), if the path of the documents folder contain characters from languages other than English.

    I debugged the CSInterface.js file at line 521. And I found that the below piece of code returns the path of the folder without encoding the characters from languages other than English.



    Path of documents folder: "C:\Users\sanjay\OneDrive - Élégante\Documents".

    // Returned value -…

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Adobe InDesign: SDK/Scripting Bugs and Features


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