Allow Mail Merge Preview Scripting
It would be super handy if we could make a few options available to improve the mail merge process and automation via scripting. These include:
1. Allow the mail merge preview to be switched off and on via script
2. Allow the data file to be refreshed via script
I'm trying to build a script that basically turns off preview, refreshes, turns preview back on. In an ideal world this would just be a refresh button at the bottom of the data merge panel that does all this behind the scenes - that also has the ability to be called from a script, so then I can run my other scripts which refresh links/colours based on the merge all in one go.
Oh and while you're at it, can we PLEASE do something about the Mail Merge error messages. I've seen them so many times and it slows down the save and close and really it's inconsequential. Can they have a "do not show again" option for all files.
Please and thank you.