Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
39 results found
Spell Check does not work after installing InDesign 15.0.2
Dear Adobe Team,
in our office we use In Design from several years without nothing problems.Yesterday we had updated the version 15.0.2. After that, the spell-check (we use the Italian language) don’t work if we import text in a existing document.
But if we import text in a new document, the spell-check work without problems.
Please can you help us?
219 votesThe fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – that is, InDesign 15.0.3.
Please update your InDesign application to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team -
[ID-4243320] Incorrect cursor movement in RTL text when Harfbuzz text shaping is used.
InDesign version: v20 (both Mac & PC)
In right-to-left languages (Hebrew & Arabic) the cursor movement went crazy:
- Left key - goes up
- Right key - jumps to the end of the line...
We can't work that wayNote: both (23\25 indd) set to 'Visual' in preferences > right-to-left > cursor movement (of course, changing the setting to 'logical' doesn’t solve it)
188 votesFix for this issue is available in the latest InDesign Release version 20.2, available via Adobe CCD app.
Adobe InDesign team
InDesign performance issue: Text disappears while editing
When editing a text box, the text disappears.
I have to switch the display mode (Overview > Normal or Normal > Overview) to make the text appear again.This bug occurs frequently (10~20 times a day) but I did not identify what is the trigger.
Version 2017.1
Build x64
Windows 10 x64-
Screenshot 2021-10-15 at 10.57.35.png 1787 KB -
Screenshot 2021-10-15 at 10.57.31.png 1661 KB -
Screenshot 2021-10-15 at 10.57.24.png 1405 KB -
Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-04 um 10.59.02.png 17 KB -
Schermata 2020-10-10 alle 10.57.38.png 381 KB -
Schermata 2020-10-10 alle 10.57.47.png 318 KB -
video.mp4 13099 KB -
_Programme 2019 30.5.19.indd @ 125% 13_06_2019 16_47_40_Trim.mp4 3918 KB -
Screen_Shot_2017-12-07_at_3.31.15_PM.png 84 KB -
Screen_Shot_2017-12-07_at_3.29.00_PM.png 856 KB -
InDesighDisappeagingText.png 440 KB
148 votesWe're happy to announce that the fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign - version 17.2 that is available to download from Creative Cloud Desktop application.
Please update to this latest InDesign version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
installed font missing InDesign 17.2 macOS 12.3 (Monterey) and macOS Catalina
Different clients have the same problem. Installed fonts on the system are not recognised by InDesign 17.2. Other Adobe applications recognise the font and it can be used in those applications. I can recreate the problem, my colleague not. After downgrading InDesign to version 17.01 everything works fine.
135 votesWe've just released InDesign 17.2.1 version which addresses this issue.
Please update to this latest version using Creative Cloud Desktop application.
In case the fix does not work immediately for you, please try the following:
1) Quit InDesign.
2) Delete the following:
on Mac:
/Users/[yourname]/Library/Caches/Adobe InDesign
/Users/[yourname]/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign
on Win:
Relaunch InDesign & see if it works properly now.
InDesign team
Anchored textframe with auto-sizing/auto-adjusting "height" causes InDesign 2020 to freeze
Anchored textframe with auto-sizing/auto-adjusting "height", text aligned to baseline and anchored object settings "anchored position: custom", "anchorPoint: bottom left/center/right" causes InDesign 2020 (15.0.1) to freeze (on Mac and PC).
- create an new document (size doesn't matter)
- create an new textframe (dimensions doesn't matter)
- create a second textframe (dimensions doesn't matter)
- insert some text in second generated textframe
- select the text and apply the option "align to baseline".
- anchor second textframe into the first created textframe
- set anchored object settings of the anchored textframe to: "anchored position: custom" and "anchorPoint: bottom left or bottom center or bottom right"
select the anchored…
105 votesFix is available in the latest update of InDesign – 16.3.2 on Mac and 16.3 on Win.
Please update your copy of InDesign to the latest available update via CCD app.—
Adobe InDesign team -
Forced line breaks within text variables introduces an unavoidable letter space
When a forced line break is inserted within text that is used for a variable, a random, unavoidable letter space is introduced into the variable text.
There are obvious workarounds, but a solution to this would be really convenient.
See attached screenshots for example.67 votesWe're happy to announce that the fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign - version 17.2 that is available from Creative Cloud Desktop application.
Please update to this latest version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
When applying underline feature to TateChuYoko, the underline doesn't show
When applying underline feature to TateChuYoko characters, the underline doesn't show. It means, the underline feature is set correctly, but it does not appear against TateChuYoko characters. We’ve struggled to this bug for a long time. As workaround, we have to create Anchor objects for TateChuYoko characters, or to put stroke lines instead of underline. These workarounds waste a lot of time. Please fix this ASAP.ASAP.
50 votesHello All,
Thank you for reporting the issue to us.
We have fixed the issue in the latest version of InDesign, Id 15.0Please upgrade your InDesign application to the latest version to try out the fix.
If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know in the comments.
You may also follow the below given link for the list of all fixed issues in Id 15.0 Team
Khmer script justification is broken
With the CC version, having World-Ready Composer enabled, Khmer script justification is still broken. I tried to use the text with and without ZWSP, and it's all the same. There was a thread talking about it but seems no any new update.
The justification is also broken in Photoshop CC.
35 votesHello All,
Thank you for reporting the issue to us.
We have fixed the issue in the latest version of InDesign, Id 15.0Please upgrade your InDesign application to the latest version to try out the fix.
If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know in the comments.
You may also follow the below given link for the list of all fixed issues in Id 15.0 Team
Variable Font not working in InDesign 2020
We came along a severe bug within InDesign 2020 and Variable Font.
These Blog Posts are describing it quite well:
and: and Photoshop do not have this bug.
31 votesThe issue has been fixed in the latest release of InDesign – InDesign 2021. The fix was also available in the previous version of InDesign – version 15.1.2
Please update to either of these versions of InDesign to get the fix.—
Adobe InDesign team -
Serious problem of "^" for GREP search
Enter only "^" in the GREP search string field and click the search button to select the insertion point at the beginning of the paragraph. But this cannot be used for replacement. The replacement result is 0.
I gave up that it was only useful for simple pointing tricks, but when I run it from a script the application hangs.It is like this. (When executed, the rainbow cursor will rotate forever.
Please be careful. )app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "^";
var res = app.activeDocument.findGrep ();If the replacement string field is "~ c" (the contents of the clipboard), the first character…
27 votesThe fix for this issue is available in the latest InDesign release 16.2.1
Please update to this latest version to get the fix.—
Adobe InDesign team -
Tab indent of RTL Numbered List does not line up
See two screenshots attached, both are using the exact same settings, (Default, just changed to Hebrew numbering)
in InDesign 2019 (14.0.3) Everything is nicely aligned, vs in InDesign 2020 (15.0) it's jagged, and I'm not able to align it in any way (Tabs, Indenting, etc.).
I'm using InDesign 2020 תומך עיברית, on Windows 1023 votesFix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign 2020 – that is, InDesign 15.0.1
In the Creative Cloud Desktop application, click on the Updates section on the left. You should be able to see the Update available for InDesign. Please update your InDesign application to this version to try out the fix.
Let us know in the comments section if you face any problem with the updation process.
Adobe InDesign Team -
Find Format and Change Format option unavailable in Find/Change-文字種変換
Version : Adobe InDesign 2021(ver.16.0.1 ja_JP)
OS : macOS10.15.61.Steps to reproduce the issues
1. Open Find/Change Window.
2. Select "文字種変換" and click "Specify attributes to Find" and Select Style button.
3. The selected Style does not shown in "Find Format" area and we can't apply it. However, click the button, we can see selected Style we selected previouse step.
4. The Change Format in "文字種変換" also unavailable.2.Expected result
The selected style is displayed correctly in Find Style area and is correctly apply.
Also, the replacement style is set correctly in Change Style and replaced as well like InDesign…20 votesThe fix for this issue is available in the latest InDesign release 16.2.1
Please update to this latest version to get the fix.—
Adobe InDesign team -
ID 2020 - Indent in combination with wrap text around an image not working
In Indesign 2020, whenever I want to wrap text next to an image, but the text also has an indent the text jumps from the supposed position.
In Indesign 2019 this did not happen. The text was wrapped nicely next to the image, the way you should expect.My guess what happens here, is that the indent specs are applied not the the edge of the frame, but to the edge of the text. Which corrupts the spacing between the image and the text.
I'm working with the latest 2020 version on iMac with Catalina
20 votesThis issue is addressed with a new option "Honor Text Indents in addition to Text Wrap" in Preferences > Composition dialog. This option is ON for new docs created in ID2023 and needs to be turned ON for docs created in older versions of InDesign when opened in ID2023.
Adobe InDesign team
Opening Text Wrap panel crashes application
- Indesign 2021
- Place image, open text wrap panel, does not open panel and crashes.
Happens with any image and any document. Panel opens fine if pic box empty.
OsX Mojave.
Gone back to 2020.
19 votesThe fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – version 16.1
Please update to this version to get the fix.—
Adobe InDesign team -
Spellcheck is grabbing the comma after words, causing an error
Since upgrading to Indesign 2021 v16.0, when I run a spell check, if it catches a word it thinks is misspelled but that word has a comma after it, spellcheck also grabs the comma. If I attempt to Add that word to my user dictionary, I get an error "Words ending in punctuation other than ending periods may not be added into the dictionary". This never happened in previous versions of Indesign. See attached screengrab.
(MacOS Catalina 10.15.7 // Macbook Pro Mid 2015)
15 votesThe fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – version 16.0.1.
Please update to this version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team -
Vertical Text Alignment not working correctly in InDesign 2020
I recently upgraded to InDesign CC 2020 and find all the text in circles not aligned vertically center. Document was last opened in CC 2019 and these were fine. I haven’t modified these since. Rectangles are fine. See attached example - clearly not right and inconsistently so. I have tried every setting and I can’t get them to line up. Thanks!
15 votesFix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign 2020 – that is, InDesign 15.0.1
In the Creative Cloud Desktop application, click on the Updates section on the left. You should be able to see the Update available for InDesign. Please update your InDesign application to this version to try out the fix.
If you have created documents from ID15.0 where you see this issue, please do a Force Recomposition of the Text Frames (Cmd-Opt-/ on Mac, Ctrl-Alt-/ on Win) to make it work correctly.
Let us know in the comments section if you face any problem with the updation process.
Adobe InDesign Team -
World-Ready Composer Is messing up the kerning in Latin fonts
I have reported a variation of this—back with CS6—but it seems not to have been fixed. I assume it's a bug, but if someone can enlighten me about what I might be doing wrong and how I can fix this, I'd appreciate it.
I often work on books that include Arabic and Hebrew words and phrases in the middle of English text. They only way to get the Arabic ligatures to form is to use one of the World Ready composers. When I do that, though, the kerning around some English characters often—but not always—is affected. I have tried turning…
15 votesHello All,
Thank you for reporting the issue to us.
We have fixed the issue in the latest version of InDesign, Id 15.0Please upgrade your InDesign application to the latest version to try out the fix.
If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know in the comments.
You may also follow the below given link for the list of all fixed issues in Id 15.0 Team
Khmer Script Punctuation Line Breaking Is Broken
Regression Bug (used to work in InDesign CS 5.5)
Adobe InDesign CC 15.03 currently will break lines between Khmer script and its punctuation even though no space is present (Khmer Unicode Punctuation: ) as pictured in the attachment.
Desired Result: Khmer punctuation should stay with the Khmer script preceding it (just like an English period, comma, question mark, etc. does). The whole word should line break with the punctuation (currently Khmer uses zero-width spaces [U+200B] to indicate a word-boundary).
13 votesThe issue has been fixed in the latest release of InDesign – InDesign 2021.
Please update to this new version of InDesign to get the fix.—
Adobe InDesign team -
Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Right Arrow / Left Arrow in tables
InDesign version 14.0.
The keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+Right Arrow" to move one word to the right does not work when the text cursor is in a table. Same for "Ctrl+Left Arrow", to move one word to the left.
13 votesFix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign 2020.
In the Creative Cloud Desktop application, click on the Updates section on the left. You should be able to see the Update available for InDesign. Please update your InDesign application to this version to try out the fix.
Let us know in the comments section if you face any problem with the updation process.
Adobe InDesign Team -
Burmese font rendering error
InDesign CC 15
WorldScript doesn't compose Burmese Unicode characters correctly, shifting the location of some characters and not positioning some accents correctly, do you have a plan to fix this as it has been like it for a long time? Other languages like Lao and Khmer have been fixed over time, but not Burmese.12 votesThe issue has been fixed in the latest release of InDesign – InDesign 2021.
Please update to this new version of InDesign to get the fix.—
Adobe InDesign team
- Don't see your idea?