Some glyphs in ai files appear as other glyphs in PDFs (created from InDesign)
DE: Einige Glyphen in ai-Dateien kommen in (aus InDesign erzeugten) PDFs als andere Glyphen an.
InDesign | Windows 11
The ohm sign Ω - U+02126 is placed several times in an InDesign document:
2x in an Illustrator graphic
1x in another Illustrator graphic created additionally for test purposes
1x placed directly in InDesign
If a PDF is created from the InDesign document, only the Ohm characters present in both Illustrator graphics are written to the PDF as different Unicode characters - and also as different other Unicode characters: U+0001F and U+00016.
(See AI-Glyph-Test.pdf)
The problem was noticed by checking the PDF with 'PDF Accessibility Checker' from axes4: The error ‘Text object with characters without Unicode mapping’ is reported for the Ohm characters in the Illustrator graphics.
(See PAC-Report_AI-Glyph-Test.png)
The PAC error is not reported for the Ohm character set directly in the InDesign document. But: the glyph Ω - U+02126 set in the InDesign document was replaced by the glyph Ω - U+003A9 during PDF export.