Adobe Fonts: Garamond Premier Pro 'Regular' is buggy, keeps disappearing in Indesign
Hi there,
Adobe Fonts is already fairly buggy and annoying, but InDesign also keeps losing added fonts. (InDesign 20.0.1 x64)
In the drop down font list in InDesign, it splits fonts in the same Add Family into different groups, without giving the groups any kind of unique name so that you can tell which is which, and at the same time, it won't add both groups to the top recently-used section, such that you have to scroll down to find the missing group (and the font you just used), while having to then guess which group is the missing one. If you guess wrong, you're jumped back to the top and have to go scrolling again (or type in the font name, but the menu formatting becomes illegible then, in the sense that names are cut off and there's no longer any hierarchy, such that now you're squinting through a very long, cut-off menu, trying to find your font. It'd be helpful if the drop-down list still had some hierarchy while typing the font name, like it does when you're just scrolling through it)
Even worse, it's having trouble finding certain added fonts, even though the whole Add Family was installed from Adobe Fonts.
Garamond Premier Pro 'Regular' keeps disappearing in InDesign, even though the other fonts work. Medium is fine, it's the Regular that it's unhappy about. Perhaps should have been called Roman?
(Garamond Premier gets split into a group of 22 fonts and a group of 11 Display fonts. So for example, the (22) group gets added to the recently-used fonts, but the (11) group does not, even though Display fonts are also being used. The 'Regular' font has gone pink repeatedly, even though Adobe Fonts thought it was installed. Tried removing and adding back, and InDesign has still been unable to find it)
Thank you!
Janet Rock commented
Garamond Premier Pro 'Regular' has disappeared in InDesign documents created before the 19.5.1 and 20.0.1 updates, is not available in the font menu, or is highlighted as if it's not available after it's selected as the font from the menu in a new text box. The other font options in this family work.
No problem in Adobe illustrator using the entire font family.
Creative Cloud shows then entire font family is added and available for Adobe and other apps.