map Word lists to InDesign lists and paragraph styles
As the InDesign help documentation notes (, "Text styles with bullet or number lists may not be copied or exported to a different application with the bullets or numbers intact." The suggested workflow is extremely time-consuming for a long document where every paragraph is assigned to a hierarchical outline structure in Word, since each paragraph has to be manually assigned to the correct paragraph style and the Word outline numbering that was converted to text needs to be manually deleted. In addition, when placing the document, it creates a separate new "imported list" style from each Word list, resulting in hundreds of unused list styles that need to be individually deleted in another tedious process (why isn't there any way to delete all unused Lists? or at least allow me to select multiple for deletion in the Define Lists dialog.)
A much faster workflow would be the following: in the place Word doc import options, add a section for mapping numbered/lettered lists in Word to InDesign lists and paragraph styles. Allow me to map each Word list hierarchy level to a corresponding InDesign list Level, assigned to a single InDesign list (this is a many-to-one reassignment). Also allow me to map each Word list hierarchy level to a corresponding InDesign paragraph style (this is a one-to-many reassignment, since Word allows multiple list levels in a single list Style).