Cannot apply Paragraph/Character Styles
Indesign 19.5 and 20.0.1
Steps to resolve:
Reinstalling latest Indesign (20.0.1), restarting my iMac, reverted to a previous version of ID (19.5), copied the file to my desktop to open from there, started a fresh document and tried to create new Styles (doesn't let me), opened another document which has styles that worked (they also don't work any more), deleted preferences, and finally I have updated my iMac and that hasn't fixed it either.
Expected result:
Font Styles panel should work as it should be (and as it did 3 days ago) in that you click on a Style and it applies it instantly. I should not have to Right Click/Apply Style.
Actual Result:
Cannot select or apply styles from the Style panel. Clicking on the style in the panel makes the selected item flicker, but nothing gets selected or applied and it stays the same default font. I can only change the style if I right click on the Style and 'Apply Style' which is clunky OR if it go to Type/Font/etc from the top menu, but that doesn't help with the Styles Menu. Sometimes trying to change the font from the dropdown panel produces no results and it's very laggy to change.
The whole fonts system seems to be broken across both my iMac and laptop

Andre Couto commented
For some reason, the app called Magnet that I used to resize windows was creating a conflict. Turning off the "show green button menu" option in the magnet settings fixes the issue. Turn it back on immediately and re-created the issue. I hope it helps.
Andre Couto commented
I'm having the same issue. Perhaps that's something related to the new MacOS update? Waiting on instructions to resolve it.