[Variable fonts] Axis committal doesn't stick
When using a variable font, and changing an axis’s value via the text box, it doesn't stick when the menu is Escaped. However, the value does stick when it is escaped if it was committed via slider.
To reproduce:
- Set some text in a text box.
- Open the Character Panel.
- Choose a variable font.
- Go into the variable font value settings via the button to the bottom right.
- Change a value in the text box.
- Hit Enter to commit. (Shouldn't really be necessary and doesn't seem to have effect anyway).
- Hit Escape to get rid of the slider pop-up.
Font snaps back to it's original state.
Hit Command + Z to undo it to its last committed state, your desired axis value.
Repeat the above steps using only sliders, and the problem doesn't occur.
See screen-recording attached.