Issues with Color Picker in InDesign: HSB and RGB Confusion Leading to Unexpected Colors
When I open the color picker to adjust a shade, I usually automatically do so in HSB, since I usually want a lighter or darker shade of what I'm working on. But if I don't actually click on the radial buttons for the HSB value I'm working on, InDesign will give me some wild colors! It seems to be confusing HSB and RGB somehow--but I don't know why or how, since I'm editing in the HSB boxes.
If I'm using an HSB Swatch and open the color picker to get a different shade, the "original" color box shows something completely unrelated to the color of the swatch, but will act as if it is the real color when I click on it.
I'm not sure where the discrepancy is, and I can still do what I need to, but this gets really annoying and diminishes the usefulness of the color picker overall.