Book-PDF pixelated
Hello Support Team,
I have been having an annoying InDesign issue for quite some time:
I have a total of four computers available (1x HomeOffce, 1x work, 2x from colleagues) on which InDesign is installed. In each case the same program version (version doesn't really matter in this case, but current on our systems is 19.0).
On ONE COMPUTER, since installing InDesign about 3/4 year ago, I have the problem that the PDF output of a book always produces pixelated graphics.
When I output single documents, the quality is correct, exclusively with the PDF output from a book it is bad! The quality of most graphics is about the same as the preview in InDesign. Just pixelated.
On the three other computers, on which I can log in, the problem does not occur, exclusively on this one!
I have compared all settings with my colleagues (who do not have the problem), but everything seems to be the same. I have also copied the configuration from the HomeOffice computer, but without success.
My workaround:
I either let the colleagues export the PDF file, go to another computer in the company (if the respective colleague is smoking or otherwise not at his place) or I make the PDF file next time in the HomeOffice.
But as we get more and more laptops and the colleagues lock their devices or take them home, I'm slowly reaching the end of the workaraound ;-)
Have already searched the internet more than once, but haven't really found a solution.
Please troubleshoot, thank you very much!