Indesign Online Dashboard improvements - Custom URL, Google analytics, Fname direct to send clients
Indesign is hands down the best software to design & create digital brochures with its advanced technology & features its impeccable. HOWEVER talking about the Online Dashboard System its not leading the industry.
I've done my research and a lot of the online digital brochure creator websites are ahead.
I will list below a few new ideas/features I'd love to see Adobe implement to put them back in the lead when it comes to the publishing feature.
(Some of these ideas are already being done by the online companies)
<> Custom URL, so it looks more professional to clients rather than it saying "Ind.Adobe" with loads of numbers following it.
<> While on the subject of the URL, it would be fantastic if we could customise the cover photo/thumbnail rather than it showing the adobe logo, I'd like to show my brands logo. It would be a great feature for when we send the link in WhatsApp
<> Better and more analytics rather than just the 3-4 basic ones. The more the better it really helps to understand as much as possible. (gender/location/where they found the link/social media and so much more)
<> To go one better a collaboration to implement Google Analytics
<> Name tags - (I don't actually know what this is called) I'm sure you've all seen it when setting up emails in mailchimp for example 'Fname', then it automatically inserts the clients name.
It would be fantastic if this feature could be inserted inside the brochure, so the client feels like the brochure itself is personal to them.
Then instead of the traditional 'Publish Online' button, it has a send to box and when you enter each clients name & email it automatically fills the name and sends the Custom URL link to that specific client.
I think finally I'm done.
I have so many ideas so anyone that works at Adobe if you're struggling for new features you can give me a call🤣
Thank you and I hope other Indesign fans will see these features as benefits, I look forward to seeing them on the platform soon.