Bulleted and numbered lists, "Restart Numbers at This Level After:" behavior is not consistent
- create a document with "Bulleted and numbered lists" and List Type "Numbers" * There are 3 types of headings and 3 levels.
- set the levels so that each heading is renumbered according to the higher level heading. 3.
- re-set the numbering style to "none" or remove "^#" from the "Number" to indicate numbering
- the numbers are no longer re-numbered.
Workaround: set Mode to "Start At: 1" instead of "Continue from Previous Number
I had quite a bit of trouble finding a workaround. Also, it is often the case that the higher levels do not want to display numbers, so the behavior should be consistent.
1. 箇条書き、自動番号を設定したドキュメントを作成する
2. 各々の見出しは、上位の見出しによって番号が振り直されるようにレベルを設定する
3. 番号の種類を「なし」に設定し直すか、テキストから番号を表示するための「^#」を削除する
4. 番号が降り直されなくなる
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