Crop tool namings for german version are irritating
A view months ago I was posting this issue to the community board already. :-) Thanks to Mr. Tyson for directing me to this page here:
Dear InDesign team,
please take a look on
The assistance describes the differences between the three boxes named "crop", "trim" and "bleed".
Well, in English there is no mistake if I'm going to import a PDF into my InDesign document, e.g. I'd like to display the final cutted format, than I choose for "Trim" or if I need to prepare a page for professional print shops than choosing "Bleed".
But in the german edition the namings seem to be inconsequent. In comparison with the Acrobat Crop Tools and the InDesign Import Options
"T r i m" should be the counterpart to "E n d f o r m a t" or "Z u s c h n i t t"
while "A n s c h n i t t" seems to be the correct interpretation of "B l e e d".
Accordingly, "C r o p" would be referred to the german word "B e s c h n i t t ".
The best woud be, if you replace the german wording of the InDesign "import options" as seen on the following screenshot.
And for example: an imported PDF with varius import options.
Thanks for listening.