Paper color should be RGB when document is RGB
When I create a new INDD in RGB or convert from CMYK to RGB, the formula for the [Paper] swatch should change with it. Currently the [Paper] swatch is CMYK. This is causing an issue whenever I create a gradient from a vibrant RGB color to [Paper]. The vibrant color gets muddled down to the look of a CMYK conversion. The workaround I've been using is to create a custom white swatch for the gradient, or manually convert [Paper] to RGB. Both workarounds are less than ideal: having a second white swatch in the file may lead to confusion down the line or when other users pick up my file, and when modifying the [Paper] swatch to RGB it doesn't change back to CMYK when going the other direction so it may also create problems down the line if a file is picked up and reworked.