?bug re bulleted lists in v18
I have just opened an InDesign document I created in Aug 2022. I am now using InDesign v18.1 x42. It converted the document from Shivani.indd to Shivani.indd[converted], as I see it does when you open documents created in previous versions.
However, all my bulleted lists are no longer bulleted lists, they are just text, with the bullet symbol and a single space at the start of each line. When I select the text the bulleted list icon in “Bullets and Numbering” is no longer highlighted. But more of a problem is that clicking on “options” in “Bullets and Numbering” brings up the options dialogue but everything in the box is greyed out and cannot be selected.
Is this a known issue? A feature? A bug or unintended consequence?
(I am using Windows 10)

Anonymous commented
Follow up - I now see that this may be user error. I'm not sure which version of InDesign I used to create the file and can't seem to reproduce the problem. Sorry.
I will post back if I do manage to reproduce the problem.