Persistent place in Creative Cloud folders
I would love it if my location within a cloud folder was persistent. In other words, if I wasn't always put back to the root directory of my Creative Cloud files. As it is, I have to navigate back into my folders each time I want to save or place or do almost anything. This wastes a lot of time.
April Brown commented
Yes! My team would also greatly benefit from this feature! We utilize CC libraries to share image and template files. Under the "Your Libraries" tab, these assets can all be neatly organized, easily found, and quickly shared using shared folders (i.e. groups/sub-groups).
I see under the "Your Files" tab that we can create folders for our own original cloud documents. However, these folders aren't shareable, and cloud documents that are shared just get dumped under the recipient's "Shared With You" tab. With a large team and constant flow of new projects like we have, document sharing will quickly get too messy and confusing.
If there was a way to save cloud documents within our "Your Libraries" folders or to create shared folders under the "Your Files" tab, that would make a huge difference for us in terms of usability and productivity. Would that be possible, and/or is that planned for InDesign Beta / CC Libraries as these products continue to develop?
Thank you for your time and consideration for this feature request!