Page(s) in InDesign moving back and forth; Pasteboard not accessible
InDesign 2023 v 18.0 Page(s) in a document will move back and forth, especially after CTRL Zero short cut key stroke is used. The movement is constant and doesn’t stop without changing the zoom percentage each time.
In addition, InDesign is not allowing me to view work on something on the pasteboard. It moves the document back over and I can’t access the elements I was working on, on the pasteboard. I can change the View to “Entire Pasteboard”, but if I zoom in too far InDesign does the same thing… moves the document back over and I can’t access and work on the elements on the pasteboard.
These issues are new in the last 10 days (for the moving back and forth), and in the last 3 days for the pasteboard issue.
Perhaps these issues are related to zoom capabilities.