Bug: When mapping styles to tags and overriding all parent page items text boxes resize on M1 macbook pro
This bug only happens on my M1 Max MacBook pro. I have InDesign (17.2.1) fully updated to the latest version and my MacBook is also fully updated to the latest version. I have had this issue on previous versions since having the M1 mac. This also happens when overriding all parent page items.
When I map styles to tags it resizes some of the text boxes. I have an iMac pro that I have tested this on and it doesn't happen. I have also had other people open it on various apple computers and it isn't an issue.
I have also noticed it when opening some InDesign files that were created in the same InDesign version just on non-M1 chip computers. There is no consistency with these, so I can't give specifics.