Blinking when selecting text
When selecting text, the images and the ui blink

John Anderson commented
To add: for me this is an issue when using the mouse to select text. The screen strobes, making it nearly impossible to see what I am highlighting with the mouse. The issue does not present when using the keyboard to select text (no strobe, no flash).
While we're here
—The blinking screen sometimes also occurs when clicking the mouse, or using a mouse wheel to scroll through a document—but not always.
—The issue doesn't present when moving text or image,
— but the screen does flash white (once) when attempting to perform a transform function (rotate, resize, shear) a text box or image.
— The single white flash may occur when first drawing with the pen, pencil, shape, or line tools, but not always.
— With the pen tool specifically, the issue has not happened when adding, subtracting or converting points. It doesn't appear when cutting a line with the Scissors Tool. But it will happen when using a Selection Tool to move the shape, or to move point in the shape.My OS is Sonoma 14.1.1
Omar Durón commented