Paste without formatting option disappeared, CTRL+Shift+V not working
There was previously an option to Paste with Formatting and Paste Without Formatting, and after recent updates, the options have disappeared and paste functioning is working incorrectly. I used both of these functions for various reasons, and would greatly appreciate it coming back! I could use CTRL+Shift+V to paste without formatting, or, if I clicked into a text box and right clicked, there were for options: Cut | Copy | Paste | Paste Without Formatting. Now, only the first three appear as options and I've lost the fourth function. There are times when I WANT to paste with formatting, though mostly I paste without formatting. Now, I don't see a Right-Click menu option for "paste without formatting" and even using CTRL+Shift+V is not working. Now, the default paste seems to be "without formatting" except even then, it's pasting with the incorrect formatting - not retaining the original settings from Word, nor adopting the settings I'm pasting into. This is a significant in-efficiency as I'm having to redo paragraph styles for all paragraphs, instead of it overlaying the text I want to replace and maintaining the InDesign paragraph styles I had with the previous text.
I'm in v17.2.1; recently upgraded to Windows 11 also.