Printing to PDF: transparent images on a black background create two different blacks.
Export function doesn't tend to create this problem, but I have to use the Print Booklet function to get page layout and everything else correct.
I understand the difference between Rich Black and Accurate Black, but changing the settings for what InDesign will export seems to have no effect. have tried about 6 different solutions but none of them seem to work, short of me jumping through obscene hoops to cheat it. FIX YOUR CRAP ADOBE.
Attaching two images:
First is Screencap from InDesign viewport.
Second is PDF after print.
UPDATE: The website doesn't allow me to upload jpegs, so Adobe if you're reading this, I hate you. That is actually the final straw. Took the time out of my day to file a complaint that I know won't ever be solved, and I can't handle any more hurdles. I'm not purchasing my suite again after this payment cycle ends. Best.