Document grid hiding guides
When unchecking "Grids in back" in preferences>grids, the document grid hides all guides that are places on it.
That is, if for instance I place a ruler guide at the 2mm mark, and it happens to fall on the document grid (or its subdivisions), it will not show.
That is even when the guides are in a different color.
This is extremely problematic, especially in cases where I want to have an image/solid color as a background for my spread, and I want to make use of the document grid and also specially placed guides.
Please fix this, or at least make it an optional preference that we can uncheck.
Thanks a lot,
Laurent Calvignac commented
Yes this behavior is very annoying.
All the guides should always be visible on top of the document and baseline grid, no matter if the grid is in the background or not.
I don't see any reason to want the grid to be on top of the guides, but like OP suggested, at least make it optionnal.