Dreamweaver and Indesign allocating all available memory
I have an M1 iMac (8gb ram and 256 SSD) no matter how small or big the project I'm working on is, after about 10mins it takes over 90% of all available memory! Although I have adjusted to saving and quitting after every 10mins, I would love for this not to be an issue in the first place.
Details: I open the application to work on school projects. Some projects as small as 1 spread and only text (no images) and some over 10 pages with many images. The bigger projects cap out memory around the same time as the smaller ones. I turn down display graphics and even try using CPU preview instead of GPU, this does nothing to the performance. Indesign works great with no buffers and is incredibly smooth up until the very moment the macOS brings up the dialogue screen that asks me to force quit applications to avoid computer damage.