Latest Indesign Slowdown on M1 Chip
I am on the Macbook M1 Air with 16.2 and still experiencing random slowdowns when editing text, moving images, all the basic functions of InDesign.
I have removed all Adobe CC apps, removed all plugins, used a cleaner. I am now running the latest clean Silicon version of InDesign and experiencing the same issues.
I turned off GPU enhancements as folks recommended, which helped, but it still shows the beachball from time to time whenever I try a simple task.

barbara commented
I'm also running 16.4 on a M1 which became my full-time machine this week. Am very surprised at all the lag time for relatively easy screen redraw (moving/formatting book text). Computer crashed once while using ID. Not sure if related to ID, but including in case others are seeing as well.
Sammy commented
Adding to this I am using the latest version 16.4 and experiencing slowdowns. I have disabled preflight as recommended. I do wish I had my laptop from 2013 as it somehow ran faster there than this M1 chip.