Handling error sizing with frame with contour (centered/outside).New bug!? Frames with contour: Are now shifted into each other after simult
Scaling with undesirable erroneous result:
Affects frames whose outline is either:
A. centered or
B. aligned to the outside of the frame
(Frames where the contour is aligned on the inside of the frame are not affected by this error. There the scaling still works correctly as desired).
Recently, such frames (with a contour A/B) shift into each other undesirably after simultaneous resizing (see screenshot) and lose their original arrangement to each other!
I don't know with which version this new bug appeared,
but it is annoying and makes work slower again.
With Illustrator the error does not occur. There it still work as before also with Indesign!
Please Adobe quickly correct. To correct that manually, whether with illus with lines or picture frames costs unnecessarily much time and can also quickly lead to errors in final artwork!