Interactive "Go to Page" destinations don't update when pages are added or removed from document.
One of the possible interactive actions in a document is "Go to Page." I can have a button jump the Publish Online view to a different page in the document. Unlike EVERY other page-related function in InDesign, the page number designated doesn't update if a page is added or removed between the button and the target page.
I set a button on page 3, that when clicked jumps the view to page 10. If, later in the document creation/editing process, a page is deleted between these pages, the view still jumps to page 10, not page 9 which is the new number of the intended target.
I'm working on an online catalog that has over 50 interactive page jumps, and the client wants to drop a page. As things stand now, I'm going to have to go back to each and every button and recode the new destination page numbers manually. ARE YOU KIDDING ME???
All I'm asking is that the functionality be the same as every other page-number-related feature of InDesign.