no correct hyphenation of German words with dashes
In German we have many terms consisting of two or more words with dashes in between. Everybody would hyphenate these naturally behind the dashes. InDesign is unable to do so, but suggests multiple wrong or ugly hyphenations and leaves the dashes as if they were non-breaking hyphens, which they are not! I know this problem since several years. I had it in CS5 and 6 as well as in every later version and today in InDesign 2020.
For example: In cookbooks there are often intermediate products consisting of two or more ingredients. Some (artificial) examples:
Das Mehl mit dem Kakaopulver, dem Backpulver und 1/4 TL Salz mischen und unter das Ei-Butter-Gemisch rühren. Die Mehl-Aprikosen-Flüssigkeit unterrühren. Die Eigelbe wie im Grundrezept beschrieben unter die Butter-Zucker-Mischung rühren. Ein Drittel Eischnee mit dem Mehl-Backpulver-Ansatz unterrühren, dann die restliche Ei-Bananen-Milch mit einem Holzkochlöffel vorsichtig unterheben.
„Butter-Zucker-Mischung“ everybody would preferably and correctly hyphenate (\) like this: Butter-\Zucker-\Mischung, but InDesign produces only something ugly and devious like But\ter-Zu\cker-Mi\schung and so to speak considers both dashes as non-breaking hyphen. My only solution each time is manual hyphenation or an own entry in the user dictionary. The effort is too much because it happens too often.
In German you can combine nouns arbitrarily and optionally separate them with dashes, so that the text is more clear and comprehensible. As the given combinations of nouns vary all the time it is an unnacceptable effort to define a hyphenation exception for every one of them in the user dictionary. InDesign just has to acknowledge that hyphenating directly behind the dash(es) is the first choice instead of simply wrong!
I cannot imagine that a general rule like this would create a problem in other languages and different contexts. Hyphenation directly behind the dash(es) is always by far the most aesthetic solution.
The problem does not only affect cookbooks. There are millions of possible cases, such as: Stephen-King-Filme, Agatha-Christie-Romane, Freund-Feind-Erkennung, Ein-Aus-Schalter, Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Tag-Nacht-Schaltung, Willy-Brandt-Allee (along with thousands of other street names), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität …