Unable to type certain Hebrew letters with Diacritics on Mac
ID CC 2017-2021; Hebrew (Middle East English)
Mac 10.14.6
On mac, some letters with diacritics has lost their ability to produce diactritics and no longer work.
The letters and how to type them with Hebrew script installed on system:
1. Vav Holam
2. Vav Shuruk
3. Shin
4. Sin
5. Lamed holam
An InDesign document is attached with samples and explanations.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. On a mac, add Hebrew Script to you system language.
2. Open InDesign Middle Eastern Version and create a text box with the a Right to left Text tool.
3. While the system script is set to Hebrew, try to type the following letters with the following shortcuts:
1. Vav Holam - Shift+u
2. Vav Shuruk - Atl+u
3. Shin - Shift+a
4. Sin - Alt+a
5. Lamed Holam - Shit+k
Actual Result:
1. Vav Holam - Shift+u Produce ו
2. Vav Shuruk - Atl+u Produce ו
3. Shin - Shift+u Produce ש
4. Sin - Atl+u Produce ש
5. Lamed Holam - Shit+k Produce ל
Expected Result::
1. Vav Holam - Shift+u Should Produce וֹ
2. Vav Shuruk - Alt+u Should Produce וּ
3. Shin - Shift+a Should Produce שׁ
4. Sin - Alt+a Should Produce שׂ
5. Lamed Holam - Shit+k Should Produce לֹ
This was reported to Adobe Pre-Release on Oct 21, 2018 and nothing was done about it!
This report contains another letter with diacritics (number 5) that can't be typed in InDesign.

Shlomit Heymann commented
Why you are not fixing it?