Unable to kill find missing fonts background process
If the preferences setting to automatically find missing fonts is set, there are three major issues:
1/ The background process never times out,
2/ The background process severely degrades InDesign performance for everything else, and
3/ There is no way to manually kill that background process. If we could, then issues 1 and 2 would not be such problems. If the fonts aren't found, or the internet connection is hinky, or if the Adobe servers are under heavy load or having other issues, we could just kill that background process and then either try again later or design an workaround without those missing fonts.
The ability to kill this background process is a glaring design gap. We should be able to kill it, or at least disable it for a document (like we can disable automatic preflight).

Laura commented
I'll add that the only workaround is to disable the setting in preferences.