Smart guides not working at all
Snap to grid and smart guides or any function where cursor automatically snaps to edge, corner, or center point is not working. I am currently using version 16.0. I have restarted the program 5 times. All of these features are check marked and turned on despite the features not working at all.
I will not work on my project because of this issue. I need to rely on the precise support of smart guides and snap to guides in order to do what I have to do. I'm very disappointed with this bug and upset I'm set back so much time. I spend a lot on this software. I'm providing pictures to show the functions are turned on but the cursor does not turn pink and snap to center of circle or edge.
I really need this fixed.

Clive Cønway commented
I randomly but regularly have the same problem. It has happened several times over the last 12 months or more and I am no closer to a solution. It is a mission critical bug.