Not able to work on more than one document in InDesign 2020 on Windows 10
Please vote if you have the same issue:
I can't work anymore on more than one packaged doc containing 'Document fonts' folder in each package in InDesign 15.1.1.
Moving frames, selecting text in the frames or switching between two (blank) docs causes an unacceptable huge delay what makes efficient work impossible.
Performance got worse and worse since 15.02 / 15.03 / 15.1 already. Removed ID completely, as well any plug-ins or font management software. Bug occurs on three independent Win10 machines using 15.1.1.
I'm currently working on ID 15.01 which is the only version I can work in still fluently.
Temporary solution:
Renaming or moving one of the 'document fonts' folders enables fluent work on the fly, hiding control panel in ID too. As soon ID accesses fonts in the document fonts folder the issue occurs, no matter what font is used.
Definitely located that the bug is related to this folder only.
Please replicate on your end creating two new packaged files.
Posted the topic in Adobe community forum already:
Adobe already assisted in a remote support session:
Resetted ID prefs and repaired all Microsoft Visual C++ files 2012-2019 without results.
Anonymous commented
Good news – the issue was fixed in the pre release build 15.1.2.
Thanks to Adobe team for the support! Thread can be closed now.