For text frames with inset spacing and shaped corners, the text frame can auto-size to be much wider than the actual text
InDesign: 15.0.1 x64
Creative Cloud:
This behavior varies depending on the combination of:
- typeface
- font size
- corner size
- inset spacing
- actual text contents in text frame
Put a few words in a text frame, and keep the text frame selected. I can trigger this easily with Minion Pro, Roboto, and Inconsolata.
In Object -> Text Frame Options:
- In the General section, set Inset Spacing to some nonzero value.
- In the Auto-Size section, set Auto-Sizing to Height and Width, and enable No Line Breaks.
Select the text frame with the Selection Tool. Set the corners to Rounded (or anything else that isn't None) and set the corner size to some nonzero value.
Select the text frame with the Type tool. Using the little up and down buttons, repeatedly increase or decrease the size until the text frame auto-sizes to something way wider than the actual text. I've estimated this to be 3x to 10x the text width, depending on the factors listed above.
Specific example:
Minion Pro - Regular
0p1 rounded corner size
0p1 inset spacing
Text: "typical example" (without quotes)
Text frame is super wide at multiple font sizes between 10pt and 50pt. See screenshots for good results at 34pt but bad results at 35pt.