Slow & stuttering performance since using 4K monitor
I've recently upgraded to a Dell UP2720Q 4K monitor.
Since the upgrade i've notices that inDesign has become nearly unusable, Its slow when selecting objects, editing text, moving things around...
When moving Indesign to my second monitor (eizo s2433w) the problem goes away.
The only fix I have found is to change the display profile to "Apple RGB" in the display settings. This fixes the problem immediately, but now the colours look horrible...
I've also notices this problem with other Adobe apps like, illustrator and photoshop. But Indesign seems to have the worst of it.
Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server :
Indesign 15.0.2 on a MAC PRO 2013 macOS 10.15.4Steps to reproduce the issues:
Using a 4K monitor (Dell UP2720Q)Expected result:
Normal performanceActual result:
Slow & stuttering performance
ps; My colleugue has the same DELL Monitor, using it on a Imac 2019. But he has no problems.

Analogie commented
same problem with macmini 2018 i7 16k ram on 2 Eizo monitor CS series, 1/2 sec lags; for some jobs I bought Affinity publisher; shame adobe!
Ryan commented
I have the same issue. Indesign on my 4K monitor is super slow and freezes for seconds at a time.
Almost useable, very frustrating. Infuriating. -
Ben commented
I too have this problem on a Dell U2711 monitor connected to a 2019 Macbook Pro running MacOS 11.2.1.
It's only InDesign where I experience this problem - not Photoshop, not Illustrator, not MacOS. If I use InDesign using the Macbook I have no problem with lag but as soon as I connect my Dell I get sufficient lag to make InDesign aggravating.
Chico commented
Same here with Eizo 318-4K and Eizo Color Navigator ... Cannot use the software in a professional way. Same in Illustrator, but not in Photoshop