In the Table of Contents panel, make the 'Include Book Documents' option persistent and part of the style
I am writing a book, with 18 chapters, each as a separate InDesign document, but all collected in a single Book.indb.
I just now returned to writing the book after a several months break. Wanting to update my structure, I did Layout > Table of Contents and clicked 'OK'. My Table of Contents disappeared!
After investigating, I realized that the 'Include Book Documents' option in that panel had become unchecked.
I checked that option, ran Table of Contents again, and found all my table of contents entries generated successfully. Yay!
HOWEVER, when I went to regenerate the Table of Contents, all my table of contents entries disappeared again! Examining that panel again showed that InDesign mysteriously unchecked that option, even though all my other options in that panel were unchange.
Please change that panel operation to remember the selection of the 'Include Book Documents' option.
Furthermore, I'd like that option to be included in the table of contents style, so that other tables of contents generated from that style have that option checked.