Endnote references are not importing when placing word documents
I am placing a word 365 document into InDesign 2020 with endnotes ticked to be included and the endnote references are not importing. In the past the endnote references will display in-text and a full endnote reference list will display on the last page in one text box. I have tried using 2018/2019 with the same result. This appears to be a new bug. I have attached screenshots of the Word document with endnotes displayed and the InDesign document after placing the same word document which shows the endnotes have not been imported. Also an anchored text box is also displayed in place of the first endnote reference. The text displayed in the box is not the endnote reference text.

Shannon Davis commented
Can anyone here help me? I am putting endnotes in manually as they did not transfer from word. When I get to the end of the page I don't know how to have the end notes continue onto the next page or how to copy and paste and endnote so that it is still linked.
Richard commented
This problem is still occurring with InDesign 16 (16.0.1 x64 Windows) and Word documents that have been created/edited in a recent version of Word (I'm using build 13426.20404, but this issue has been ongoing for some time).
As a workaround, saving the Word documents as .doc instead of .docx solves the problem. But it would be good if this could be fixed in InDesign.
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem. I do see the endnotes in Story Editor but I can't get them to show up in the regular layout despite having all the options ticked. I am ending up having to copy/paste them from the word file and then adding the footnote numbers in one by one - very frustrating!
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem. Sometimes I get endnotes, sometimes note. Without my endnotes, InDesign is a waste of time.
Anonymous commented
This is a problem for me as well. I hope there is an answer
Anonymous commented
I just had the same problem... it must be something with the latest update?
Brigitte commented
OK so i have tried other documents and I get mixed results. For one document the endnotes don't drop out and display correctly, another they don't drop out but are shown in anchored text boxes. I am not sure what is wrong. I fixed the problem though by saving the word version down to a previous version. There could just be an issue with my word documents.