Tired of Adobe cloud and syncing
I have had it!
I have so had it with you Adobe! I'm not even connected to the internet, I'm OFFLINE!!!! In InDesign, when I work with a freaking Google font called "Lato," I expect only the Google Font to be on my system fonts. Yet, you, yes, YOU want me to connect to the internet so that the font "Lato Medium" is synced into my design, which I did not even request to be synced in the first place. I never wanted the **** font, yet you force it down on me. InDesign keeps telling me that the font is missing, but I override it every time with "Lato Bold."
So, I'm offline, and in my paragraph styles, I replace the font "Lato Medium" with "Lato Bold" and when I apply the paragraph style that has "Lato Bold" applied to it, the paragraph reverts to "Lato Medium" and InDesign keeps telling me that the font is missing. BUT I JUST REPLACED THE FONT WITH LATO BOLD!! I delete the old paragraph style, create a brand new paragraph style, choose "Lato Bold," and still the paragraph reverts to "Lato Medium," which continues to tell me that the font is missing. How in the world of any design program does THIS HAPPEN!!!!!!!!????
You better get your software sorted, because all you care about is making more money than actually caring about your customers who pay loads of money per month! Why are you like this? I don't understand! I know there are people working at Adobe who do care about making your products better, but you corporates up there who runs the business are too **** stubborn to care about the people that want to use your products.
I am done with you! Until you get your head out of the clouds of pride, and lower the price and actually listen to your clients for a change, I will never, ever refer anybody to Adobe and I will never use you again! Good Bye!!!!!!!

Christopher Clinton commented
Hours of lost productivity to this not being able to work offline and dealing with tech support