pdf export crops images
Indesign import this PDF and export PDF, result: images are cropped !!!
Same result Acrobat Pro optimising this PDF !!!
Acrobat Pro or Indesign print this PDF ok !!!

linden commented
same thing has happened to me.
no idea how to fix it -
Apurva Ashar commented
My observation: Yes, it changes appearance on PDF export.
it behaves differently depending on the import options: i.e.: bounding box, Art Box, Bleed etc. It crops regardless of any options, but it crops differently. The cropping also gets affected by the output preset. For example High Quality and X1 behave differently.
Colin Flashman commented
I'm having the same issues as Didier. I've provided a link to the test file here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zmv7z2hi0ih8puy/AACNVUStG5-BmQEasBEUdLB4a?dl=0
Place a PDF generated from Microsoft Word into Adobe InDesign and then Export the PDF from Adobe InDesign.Expected Behaviour:
A PDF of identical appearance should appear.What happens:
A PDF contains images that have moved from their original x-y coordinatesUPDATE 2020-02-28 Bug appears regardless of version of InDesign or Operating System