Index "Number Style Override" not working on multivolume works
InDesign is not recognizing "Number Style Override" on a book document with seven documents. Only recognizing the overrides on the document in which the index is generated. Major suck points there.
I'm running Mac OSX Mojave, 10.14.1, on a MacBook Pro Retina 15-inch from mid 2015. InDesign CC 2019.

Adam McIsaac commented
Still a problem in InDesign 17.2 / Monterey.
Anonymous commented
This is still a problem in InDesign 2021, Mojave.
I have got 58 documents collected in a book, about 2 GB in all, 704 pages with more than 10.000 index entries, many of which are marked with number style overrides to make them appear as bold. When I generate the index in one of these documents, everything is fine. But when I do it in a separate document containing only the index, there is not a single bold page reference. When I do it in one of the documents, only the entries from this document appear as they should. When I open all the documents and check the Index Window with book turned on to see a preview of the final index, I find that these number styles overrides are all missing. The funny thing is, if I add the number styles overrides in this view, they work, and keep working. Would have been good to know from the beginning!
So I have two options: 1. Tell the client to mark up all their bold references again, using the book view. 2. Combine all the files into one much too long document, with all the dangers that this entails.