Lag in InDesign 14.0.1 when doing ANYTHING.
Lag in InDesign 14.0.1 when doing ANYTHING. Every time I click my mouse, make a move, do a single thing there is a 20-40 second LAG. This is beyond annoying. I am on a very tight deadline just like 99% of your other users. YOU NEED TO FIGURE THIS OUT ADOBE!!!!! And don't you dare tell me it's been figured out. I'm starting a new post per your request on March 26, 2019. FIX THIS PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

Sy Miller commented
i have a terrible time with this as well, have now purchased 2 new computers!!
takes 30-40 seconds to just add a dotted line, then another 30 to curve it, etc.
any help???? -
Stone Oakvalley commented
I have the same lag as described here, but only appears when working with BOOKS. Create PDF, Package, Re-number page numbers and pre-flight = super slow lag, impossible to work. Tried two different mouses, all drivers updated (graphics, OS etc etc), Windows 7 64 bit. To be honest, my recent purchase of Indesign 14 not worth a dime.
This is a pretty severe issue that ADOBE must fix AT ONCE. It is unacceptable. Been using Indesign CS3 since its release until 1 month ago (CS3 was the best and fastest version ever made, don't get fooled by the new trendy GUI and features that nobody ever wanted). Same problem is also seen in Indesign CC 13, for what I would believe probably been around since CS4 (when Adobe decided to change GUI).
Adobe: You need to look at your custom GUI generation, please revert back to standard OS GUI creation, let OS handle that, you got no need to re-invent the wheel here! At one point I believe you even manage to force CLEARTYPE on within the GUI, even if user had it turned off in OS (these are the many reasons why I dont what to use newer Adobe programs, they never improve, just go slower and slower because you hack the GUI while adding pretty much NOTHING of needed value of functions that people actually need. We need STABILITY and PERFORMANCE).
This is the hard core truth ADOBE, you need to get back your original GUI code and restart. This isn't working anymore, 10000 of users report the same wierd lags. How come a software from 2003 (yes, your own) outperforms your latest creations? Take this seriously, we are at the surreal point of promoting PIRATED versions of Adobe Indesign CS3 as the ONLY perfectly working and fast solution available today if this lag and performance madness continues any further into next Indesign 14.2.
I will keep posting the same stuff again and again, until these lags are solved. I will salute the other users that do the same. You want bug reports? You will get them along with angryness.
Why angry? If version CC 13 from 2017 has the exect same issues as todays 14.1 you got some serious problems that needs FULL and COMPLETE focus right now, never mind adding a new splash screen, or new colors to icons - nobody gives a cookie. FIX LAG/PERFORMANCE ISSUES NOW and make Indesign CS3 worthy of a 2019 upgrade it deserves!.
I'll be back, trust me - if that is needed.
Margaret Wilson commented
I've been having the exact same problem, and every thread on the subject I come across, Adobe seem to think it's been fixed. Well, it hasn't!! I'm on Windows 10, all software and programs are up-to-date but the lag is making my life a misery! I did find that when I turned off Extensis Suitcase Fusion Auto-Activation it speeded things up, however I still have problems with screen redraw being very slow, and sometimes objects disappear altogether - I then have to zoom in or out to force a redraw. Adobe, will you please respond and let us know that something is being done!